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Ten Reasons Not to Get Involved

(Excerpts taken from What If You Got Involved? Taking a Stand Against Social Injustice by Graham Gordon, Paternoster Press, 2003, p. 3-16) Click Here for the entire pages.

1. It is a distraction from evangelism and therefore not a priority ...

It is true that God wants everyone to be saved. God wants everyone to recognise his or her need for him and enter into a relationship with him. Only in God can anyone find their true identity and purpose in this life, and receive eternal life. The church must preach this as its priority. However, God does not split people into physical, emotional, or spiritual parts but treats people as whole human beings. ...

2. Jesus was not political so we should not be either. ...

If politics is about the use of power at all levels of society to bring about change, then Jesus was certainly political Although he was not a member of any political party an did not hold any official position of power, Jesus challenge the corruption, hypocrisy and injustice in Jewish society. ...

3. Romans 13 tells us we need to obey the state so we cannot criticize their actions ...

Government is good and a part of God’s plan. However creation, human beings and government are now affected by sin. Although government still has a role, it is limited because of its fallen state. ...

4. There are two kingdoms — the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. As Christians we live in the kingdom of God and that is our focus ...

It is true that there are two kingdoms but as Christians we belong to the kingdom of God and we live in the kingdom of this world. Our citizenship is of heaven (Phil. 3:20). That is our home and to where we owe our primary allegiance. However, we are also citizens of the earth and we have responsibility to our fellow citizens (Jn. 17:13—19). ...

5. Injustice is part of the way things are. The world will get worse until Jesus returns and will then be destroyed ...

The physical universe is not destined for destruction but for renewal (Mt. 19:28; Acts 3:21; Rom. 8:19—21). The world we live in is not evil, but is fallen and will be redeemed. ...

6. It is a spiritual battle and therefore spiritual warfare is the answer ...

We are engaged in a spiritual battle and prayer is a vital weapon in our fight against injustice. ... However, we are also called to take action. We are called to be salt and light (Mt. 5:13—16), which means becoming involved in society to bring about change and also speaking out and showing society the truth.

7. Politics is a dirty game and will compromise those who are involved ...

Political involvement is much wider than just being elected to political office. Political activity involves engaging at all levels of society to bring about change, and to bring a society more in line with God's will. ...

8. It is all too complicated and I won't be able to make a difference. ...

It is true that in an increasingly interconnected world, not only are we more aware of problems that exist, but the problems seem to be more complicated. However, instead of trying to understand and solve everything at once, it is good to start with a manageable task. First, pray that God will guide you in how to become involved. ...

9. It is too risky ...

Standing up for justice can be dangerous, especially when standing against people or systems that are abusing their power. Any decision to become involved should not be taken lightly. In such situations you are unlikely to be able to remove all risk, but will be able to reduce it. ...

10. To be honest, I have too many problems of my own and not enough time ...

Some people’s lives are more difficult than others. We all have different responsibilities in our lives, and some people seem to have very little free time after fulfilling these. Each situation is different, but I would offer three possible lines of action.


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