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Kingdom Evangelism - A Good Name?

Excerpts from Kingdom- Evangelism, Si-Won Park, 2003

Through my statements on the Kingdom of God in the Old Testament and New Testament, I realize four aspects of the Kingdom of God, which are as follows. First, the reality of the Kingdom of God has been already established by the reign and sovereignty of God for all people in the concrete activity of God in history. God’s will is already expressed in God’s love, justice, and freedom for human history in the past, in the present, and in the future. Second, the Kingdom of God is manifested in the life of Jesus Christ as the messianic life of death and resurrection. Thus, Jesus proclaimed, "The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand." Third, the Kingdom of God is coming in hope and expectation, which are human responses to God’s love, justice, and freedom for suffering people in history. Through this we realize our partnership with God in history. Finally, we look toward God’s complete reign over heaven and earth, which is the fulfillment of history.

From my standpoint, I prefer "Kingdom Evangelism" to "Christian Evangelism" because "evangelism" is a modern word that comes from evangel which means "Good News." We cannot find the words "evangelism" or "evangelization" in the New Testament. But we have the noun evangelion, which means "Good News," "Gospel," or "evangel" in Greek. And we also have the verb evangelizomai which means "to announce good news." It is the biblical understanding of the "Gospel of the Kingdom." That is spoken of in all of the three Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). ...

Kingdom Evangelism is neither shamanistic evangelism which sells the cheap grace of religious individualism in the modern disguise of church growth, nor is it a mere human development at the expense of the Gospel. It is evangelism that incorporates the proclamation of the Kingdom and the community development of the unchurched poor through the shared praxis between local church and community.

Therefore, Kingdom Evangelism ultimately asks for a revolution in ecclessiology. Not the church in, and for, itself, but the church in, and for, the world, is at stake in Kingdom Evangelism. This, however, cannot be realized unless a new church is envisioned and put into practice for the Kingdom of God. …

A new church born out of Kingdom Evangelism must admit that there is no church under heaven that is "ideology — free" or "ideology —proof." Kingdom Evangelism involves critical analysis of social structural contradictions. … Kingdom Evangelism fights any kind of ideocracy, whether it be socialistic or capitalistic. Yet it must open a room for the free and necessary choice of ideology in the concrete context of human struggle against evil.


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