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by Brian D. McLaren, Zondervan, 2004
McLaren is considered on of the founders of the emergy church movement. For more informattion on McLaren
 go to the five pages on him in the November 2004 Christianity Today.

     "The Christian family through the centuries and across cultures provides rich resources for your journey through life. There are heroes and saints whose lives inspire. As well, many rich resources come via the embarrassments and tragedies we Christians have experienced and perpetrated through the years. You can learn a lot from others' mistakes if you don't distance yourself from them too quickly. Whether through heroes or catastrophes, you'll find much you need. And you'll find that you are needed, too. Because the story isn't over, and the family isn't complete." (p. 18-9)  

    "In my readings and travels, I have been exposed to many committed Christians who believe that Marxism and Communism were filling the gap that should have been filled by Christians - Christians who understood the revolutionary social and political implications of the teaching and example of Jesus, whose gospel was good news to the poor, along with a challenge toward generosity for the rich.
     "Because Christians failed to preach and practice this dimension of the gospel, secular movements arose to fill the gap.  ...
     "Jesus confronts the corrupt, compromised religious system and violent, unjust political and economic powers of his day through nonviolent resistance. ... Humanity is oppressed by corrupt powers, systems, and regimes. Jesus commissions and leads bands of activists to confront unjust regimes and make room for the shalom of God." (p. 62-3,65)

     "The surface causes of environmental carelessness among conservative Christians are legion. including subcontracting the evangelical mind out to right-wing politicians and greedy business interests. Too often we put the gospel of Jesus through the strainer of consumerist-capitalism and retain only the thin broth that this modern-day Caesar lets pass through. We often display a reactionary tendency to be against whatever 'liberals' are for." (p. 233)

     "God sent Jesus into the world with a saving love, and Jesus sends us with a similar saving love - love for the fatherless and widows, the poor and forgotten to be sure, but also for all God's little creatures who suffer from the same selfish greed and arrogance that oppress vulnerable humans. ... So, as the old system of church-as-chaplain/baptizer/servant-of-state-and-commerce gives way to a new prophetic role ... For increasing numbers of us who consider ourselves post-liberal and post-conservative, 'sacred' words such as private (meaning personal and individual), ownership (meaning autonomous personal and individual control), and enterprise (meaning autonomous, personal, individual control over projects to use God's world for our purposes) seem to fly in the face of kingdom values like communal (meaning seeing beyond the individual to the community), fellowship (which means sharing, holding in common with eh community, not grasping as 'mine!') and mission (meaning our participation in God's projects in God's world for God's purposes.
     "I must admit that, apart from a miracle, I see no human power capable of standing up to the expanding empire of global consumerism, which author Tom Beaudoin ominously calls 'theocapitalism.' But as a Christian, miracles aren't out of the question for me. It is very possible that a biblical stewardship that celebrates God's ultimate ownership could someday fuel a new grace-based economy - just as private ownership currently fuels our greed-based consumerist economy." (p. 238-400


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