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One need not be a biblical or community organizing expert to recruit Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Holiness (EPH) pastors and congregations to faith based community organizing (FBCO).  Here are resources  that help you develop your own approach.  Christians Supporting Community Organizing (CSCO) very much needs are members to be active in carrying out our message–not only supporting others that do this.,

  We list several sources for each section.  One usually will need only a couple to build one’s own recruiting presentation.  As we point out, much of this is on the CSCO website.

Teaching biblical/theological basis of community organizing.

  What needs to be taught is the relationship of biblical social justice to power. 

  Social justice.  We assume that our recipients do have a commitment and understanding of social justice.  We build on that to show them how community organizing (CO) makes that effective for them and their congregations.  One, however, can start with some refreshing stating of the biblical basis for that.

“Justice as Inclusion in Community”:

What community organizing adds to community development

“Centrality of the Poor in the Teaching of Jesus”: www.cscoweb.org/mott3.html

The Partiality of Biblical Justice”: www.cscoweb.org/mott9.html

“Systems as God Intends and Humanity Corrupts”: www.cscoweb.org/linth.html

Then move to biblical grounds for the use of power for community organizing.

“Poverty as Powerlessness”: www.cscoweb.org/mott3.html

“The Use of Power Challenging Systems”: www.cscoweb.org/bibstud9.html

 Effective with Pentecostals, “Biblical Healing as Empowering the Needy”: http://www.cscoweb.org/bible.html

How community organizing aids the social outreach of the congregation

Leadership development in the congregation: www.cscoweb.org/co.html

What involvement community organizing can contribute to other tasks of the church
12 Reasons

Aid to evangelism

“Why we must move forward in organizing” (by Pentecostal bishop): www.cscoweb.org/mkindev.html

Examples of social justice changes brought about by FBCO : www.cscoweb.org/tillem.html

“Doing Community Organizing with Those Who Differ from Us in Doctrine”:www.cscoweb.org/heine.html 

If you want to memorize or use some Bible verses related to community organizing, go to


Working with Organizers to show them the importance of reach out to EPH pastors and congregations. The importance of EPH churches in the community

“FBCO's Experience with New Religious and Social Constituencies”: www.cscoweb.org/ifund.html

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  CSCO, P.O. Box 60123, Dayton, OH 45406; email: cscocbco@charter.net phone: 937-276-4077